Andy and Colin are joined by Richard Spencer of the National Policy Institute to talk about his recent attempt to hold a conference in Budapest against the opposition of the Hungarian state. Among the topics discussed are the possible reasons for the clamp down, Richard's arrest and time in detention, how the conference went ahead anyway, and the need for an identitarian vision that can transcend the limitations of divisive petty nationalism.
- SPLC article on the Budapest conference.
- Richard Spencer and friends detained by the Hungarian police.
- Jared Taylor's report from Budapest.
- Tom Sunic talking about the conference on Red Ice Radio.
- Colin Liddell on Jobbik from last year.
- Richard Spencer interviewed by TV Libertés.
- Duns Scotus on American freedom vs. European democracy.
- James Kirchik's article on the NPI conference at The Daily Beast.
- Alt-Right Podcast theme music by Mathew Eugene