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Wednesday 24 May 2017


Not an actual mother.

by Trad News

The problem with having free speech taboos is that sooner or later you are forced to back them up with Draconian laws that stifle all speech. This process is now well underway in the increasingly dysfunctional German state where, on Friday (19th May), new censorship legislation passed its first reading in the German parliament.

The key point of the legislation is that creates heavy fines for social media companies that fail to remove anything the German government deems "hate speech." Experience shows that this would include some pretty mild stuff, such as revising minor historical details of WWII, mentioning that a girl was raped or beaten up, and alluding to the racial replacement of ethnic Germans by mass immigration.

But even worse than that, the new law also cracks down on actually posting links to news stories on the internet.

If the stories do not come from news sources "approved by the German government," they will be deemed "fake news" and therefore considered de facto "hate speech."

That would mean that even posting a link to this story would therefore be illegal, with Facebook, Twitter, or whichever social media platform you use to spread it, being forced, under pain of massive fines, to take it down.

We can only imagine what they will do to
people who create memes like this one.
The obvious calculation here is that those profit-oriented sites will not want to employ the resources to carefully monitor accounts and purge such content, but will simply ban anyone who posts "problematic" links.

To get a picture of the future of free speech on social media in Merkel's Germany, just imagine that it is a Jew in Hitler's Germany.

Elsewhere in Europe, the drive to clamp down on freedom has even reached the UK, where another childless female leader, Prime Minister Theresa May, is overseeing yet another attempt to clamp down on free speech, in order to paper over the chasms in the multicultural mess.

In a ludicrous turn of phrase that would not have looked out of place in George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984, her party's manifesto for next month's general election revealed plans to make Britain “a world leader in regulating the internet.”


  1. And what is wrong with cracking down on hate-speech? '... Experience shows....' you write - without presenting evidence. Unsubstantiated comment cheapens the argument you make. What has childlessness got to do with leadership? Your readers will be aware that the Stasis are long gone, rejected by all Germans.
    And just what do you propose to do to counter hate speech and the associated criminality. You are silent on that. Easy to write and sneer. Lazy too.

    1. "On Friday morning Maas introduced a draft law to the Bundestag which requires social media networks to remove any references to the mass nonwhite invasion of Germany, and which forbids the spreading of any news which has not come through channels or journalists which the government has officially endorsed."

      If that sounds good to you, you're a hopeless Stalinist.

    2. The whole point of the concept of "Free Speech" is to protect a person's right to say what they belief, not to protect people from words they don't want to hear. Any statement of fact or opinion can be taken as "hate speech" to someone who disagrees. The earth is round. Some belief it is flat based on their religious beliefs. Stating the world is round is contradicting those religious beliefs, therefore contradicting the religion, indicating disbelief which can be taken as indicating hate.

    3. What is wrong with cracking down on 'hate speech'? Everything.

      Free speech is offensive speech. Your 'hate' speech is what you want censored--with violence. What hypocrisy.

      What does childless have to do with it?? Everything. Such a woman has not invested in the future of the PEOPLE she claims to represent. She wishes to have no children and has no love for it.

      Your mindset is straight out of virtue signalling hell:

      Jordan Peterson Explains Why Free Speech Is Important

  2. That Brit who put bacon strips on the entrance to a mosque certainly deserved his prison sentence. Even better that he "mysteriously" died in prison. And the Scot who is facing a year in jail for teaching his girlfriend's Pug the Hitler Salute will surely be taught a valuable lesson.

    1. But White Genocide is fine. YOur selective vision is satanic.


  4. It is clear that with these measures TPTB want to stifle any opposition to the White Genocide Project and any criticism of the people who are really behind it, i.e. the Jews. "Hate" can mean anything that opposes their destructive agenda. At the end of the day a violent revolution will be the only solution.

  5. '...At the end of the day a violent revolution will be the only solution...'
    Well, Franklin, in one simple sentence you display a shocking ignorance of history. Please read a good deal more about those who have tried to impose violent revolution. And then spend some time challenging yourself to think about what you've read. You can manage it, although I warn you, it's hard work thinking for yourself. Try it. I dare you.

    1. Ever heard of the French revolution ? I'm dreaming of the guillotine for Merkel and her ilk. Closer to our time : think how quickly the regime of Ceausescu in Rumania fell.
      There is only so much a people can suffer. The elite wants to destroy us, we have the right of rebellion.

    2. [quote]"Please read a good deal more about those who have tried to impose violent revolution."[/quote]

      Should our reading include the American Revolutionary War?

  6. Franklin, you are full of hate. Please keep it to yourself.

    1. Loving your people and hating its enemies is the attitude that was formerly known under the term "sane".

  7. Hate is healthy and moral if it is directed to those who want to destroy you.

  8. Germany has many laws forbidding a variety of topics. When I still lived there, I bought a copy of the first command & conquer, the German version approved by the Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien, which butchered the game not only by censoring the violence, by making the few pixels of blood that pooled out if pixelated soldiers grey,they even went as far as to change the story do that it involved no human characters at all so as to justify why dead people bled grey instead of red. The answer, they're all cyborgs. Not flesh & blood soldiers.

    That's only one prominent example. Just the concept of people participating in war, and dying, was deemed too extreme by the German government, and censored.


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