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Wednesday 14 July 2021


Paul Joseph Watson makes the case that practically all the on-line "racist" abuse heaped on three Black players (The Three "Misskateers") following England's defeat in the European Championship came from suspicious overseas social media accounts. He sees this as a power grab by domestic Leftists and elites. A more plausible explanation is that this was simply a "divide and destabilise" psy-op originating from the Anglosphere's geopolitical rivals -- Russia and China -- while Leftists are just their useful idiots.


  1. I saw his tweet too. Even on the Alt Lite some apparently can't comprehend that English fans don't identify with African players. After the anti-White kneeing this should have come as no surprise. BLM symbolism has consequences, huh.

    The whole debate can be summarized as this:
    Global Britain wins = Multiculturalism wins
    Global Britain loses = R-A-C-I-S-M

    1. The racial unease is real and deep, but almost everybody in England has been trained to shut up about it and avoid racial slurs. Not surprising therefore that "foreign actors" are the driving force behind this, unwittingly aided by the idiots of the Left.


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