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Tuesday 20 July 2021


Part of the Seventh-Day-
Adventist-to-Judaism pipeline
by Colin Liddell

Luke Ford is an industrious but largely unsuccessful (possibly shadowbanned) vlogger in his 50s whose work is associated with the Dissident Right. His views, however, are closer to the Conservative Right. 

He is one-eighth
or one-sixteenth Chinese and of Australian Anglo-Saxon origin. His father was a relatively prominent Seventh Day Adventist preacher. Originally a keen follower of Zionist Conservative Dennis Prager, Ford went on to blog extensively about the porn industry.

After some sort of spiritual and/or identitarian crisis, he converted to Judaism and "started to get his life together" through the
One-Step Program used to deal with various kinds of addictive behaviour. Sadly, he now seems addicted to vlogging, often livestreaming for several hours every night for scant reward. Luckily Ford's general erudition and ability to broadcast interesting clips from other content creators makes his show generally quite watchable and informative. He also has high quality guests.

Back in 2017-18, he was a fairly prominent part of "
Internet Blood Sports," the livestreaming debate movement that YouTube subsequently discouraged through demonetization. Ford then enjoyed a generally successful association with Kevin Michael Grace as his co-host for a couple of years. 

More recently (2021), his show has lacked a clear focus, although Ford has started to take an "anti-conspiritard" and "deboonking" line over issues like voter fraud and the Covid Pandemic.

Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Affirmative Right and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here


  1. To be fair to Luke he did manage to make Andy even more depressed which is something of an achievement.


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