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Monday 10 January 2022


Jamaican Libertarian Lipton Matthews talks to Richard Lynn, the famous psychologist and theorist on the evolutionary development of mankind and the resultant differences.

Professor Lynn, who is the author of Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis, is now 91 years old. Among the topics discussed are the cold winter hypothesis, racial and sexual differences in intelligence, the relation of Covid infection to intelligence, and the intelligence of the Ashkenazi Jews. 

1 comment:

  1. I heard Gregory Clark, who is quite good on a number of things, recently say that he thought race differences in intelligence were mostly an illusion caused by secondary factors, such as selective immigration. First of all that would go in the other direction - barring importation subsidies, it's mostly the idiots who stay in low IQ countries. And it also doesn't explain why these differences tend to be so consistent across many places, such as the Chinese everywhere they go. I don't really have much ethnic feelings, though I think Europeans tend to be the best at creating civilizations I dislike the least, but it's really annoying and stupid how even most people who must know better refuse to acknowledge facts that were obvious before IQ testing even existed. Just more proof that the institutions of Europe are beyond saving and academia just needs to be shut down and most of its sinecured midwits banished to an island somewhere. I am something of a political nihilist and misanthrope, I genuinely don't care what happens to America at this point, but as an autistic nerd it simply irritates the shit out of me how normies constantly lie to fit in.


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