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Sunday 15 May 2022


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Justification is the trigger.

When shootings like the recent massacre in Buffalo, New York, happen, we need to distinguish between causes and justification. The cause can be anything -- rage, loneliness, mental instability, flu jabs, etc. But, without a justification, the cause is much less likely to have an effect. The oddly named Payton Gendron, the 18-year-old kid responsible for taking 10 lives at a supermarket in a Black neighbourhood, definitely had a justification for his action -- at least one that made plenty of sense to him. Without that, his action may never have got very far; with it, the pieces fell into place and butchery ensued. Yes, the atrocity in Buffalo flew in on its own special pair of wings.

But what were the feathers in those "wings" that carried Gendron to his shocking act of violence? Look no further than his own manifesto. Already the internet, with its NPC hive mind of conspiritards, is doing its work and saying that the Buffalo massacre is "glowy" and a "Fed operation." Heck, who knows, they may even be right! But the fact is that what happened in that supermarket did not need to have a Fed hand behind it. Gendron's explosion of violence had its own relentless logic, one that has its roots firmly embedded in the worldview of the Alt-Right.

Gendron, to be clear, believed -- and said so explicitly in his manifesto -- that his race, civilisation, and society was being wiped out by the machinations of "demonic Jews." In what is a work of an above-average-intelligence young man, he explained his position with crystal clarity: 

“The elite”, “The 1%”, “The bankers”, “The capitalists”, (((them))), “The marxist’s” they all refer to the same group: THE JEWS!! When referring to “the Jews” I don’t mean all ethnic or religious Jews. Some can be actually decent, and make significant progress to humanity. However many of them are not. Many are born to exploit the goyim and exploit the Earth for capital gain. They control the mainstream media, many government positions, and international and global banking. They advocate for leftist ideology, and spread propaganda among the right. They spread their lies through all forms of media. They want us to divide ourselves by race, instead of goy and non-goy, like they already do. “Remember the 6 million goyim!” The real war I’m advocating for is the gentiles vs the Jews. We outnumber them 100x, and they are not strong by themselves. But by their Jewish ways, they turn us against each other. When you realize this you will know that the Jews are the biggest problem the Western world has ever had. They must be called out and killed, if they are lucky they will be exiled. We can not show any sympathy towards them again (p24)
This is not a worldview unique to one lone nutcase. The ideas and attitude presented here lie at the core of every single organ of the Alt-Right. Of course, some of them may try to be optical, and not call for actual massacres, but, yes, they all believe the same old thing as Gendron. In fact, Gendron got his views from them, not the other way round.

In his manifesto he namechecks the Daily Stormer, which readers here should know all about. He also included links to Unz and VDare, and cartoons from the Stormer and Stone Toss. 

Unz is basically the Stormer 2.0 at this moment, while VDare is simply a race realist and immigration restrictionist website, at least in its avowed positions. As for Stone Toss, he is just one guy, but in my Dikipedia, a notebook of who's who in the Dissident Right, I say this about him:
He also frequently dog whistles Alt-Right/Neo-Nazi JQ positions, i.e. promoting the idea of "ZOG," namely the notion that the Jews control America's politics and its media, and have an agenda of promoting mass immigration and degeneracy, implying that none of these things would be happening without Jewish influence. His content is thus rather blackpilling, which is, of course, a means of subtly depressing and demoralising nationalists and dissident righters, or else pushing them into self-defeating extremism
But it's not just the Stormer and Stone Toss. Patriotic Alternative in the UK, TRS, Counter Currents, Scandza, Tim Kelly, Morgoth, Millennial Woes, and many less prominent groups and individuals push exactly the same analysis and ideology that Gendron expressed in his manifesto, namely that it's all down to the Jews. 

Greg Johnson who has spent a lifetime pushing just this narrative over at Counter-Currents believes exactly the same premises as Gendron, but comes to, ahem, more "optical" conclusions:
Gendron’s decision to go on a shooting spree was motivated by a false sense of urgency. On the one hand, he knew that the solution to our problems requires a “civilizational paradigm shift”: “We must inevitably correct the disaster of hedonistic, nihilistic individualism. But it will take some time, time we do not have due to the crisis of mass immigration”... There are two problems with this reasoning. First, we have decades to get this right. Payton Gendron could have spent his entire life working to raise consciousness about white replacement. He didn’t have to waste his life this way. Second, as I make clear below, mass shootings are counter-productive anyway. As I never tire of repeating: We’ve got time to do this right, and if we don’t have time, doing something stupid won’t help us anyway.
Yes, the "Demonic Jews" can apparently be defeated by taking out a lifetime's subscription of Counter Currents and buying Greg's books!

The chilling reality is that Gendron's act of "terrorism/ asymmetrical warfare" has its own logic IF you accept his premises and believe as he does -- as practically the entire Alt-Right does -- that the Jews exert undue power and have the destruction of Whites and the West at heart.

In fact, I would say it has a clearer logic than Johnson's "do nothing" attitude. Indeed, if I were convinced that a "demonic" group was really behind the demographic decline of the West and the coming extinction of my people, I would find Gendron's actions entirely understandable and even laudable. I might even find myself planning similar or worse scenarios. But, as it happens, I do NOT believe that the Jews are behind most of the evils in the World, or even a great many of them. So the Jews can sleep secure in their beds tonight, at least on my account.

The trouble, however, is that a great many people believe exactly what Gendron believes. I have seen this again and again (and again and again) almost everywhere on the internet where people feel free enough to say what they feel. The truth is there is a vast army of Gendrons out there waiting in the wings -- the Buffalo Wings.

Greenblatt and the ADL: the face of total deradicalization failure
As for those well-funded organisations, like the ADL, the SPLC, and others, seeking to hold back this anti-Semitic tsunami, their strategy of "counter radicalism" has clearly failed. When the Alt-Right was taken over by the Stormer and TRS types in 2015 and '16, the anti-radicalisation forces felt they had the magic bullet: they would simply demonetize and deplatform the Alt-Right. Effectively, force would be used, people doxxed, careers and livelihoods ruined, and the social media space napalmed with censorship. That would win the war, they thought. 

It was tried and tried again, but did it work? Just ask the ten bodies lying in the morgue in Buffalo; just ask all the edgy kids on the Chans and message boards. The reason this anti-Semitic subculture, or ideology, fails to die is because it is supported by outside actors like Russia, but also because, when it is attacked, it is attacked in a way that suggests those attacking it are afraid of it, and are terrified of its ideas and data. 

In his manifesto Gendron included plenty of data -- "hate facts" linked to serious studies that point to important scientific differences of race. These cannot be disproved or easily dismissed, as race is real. But the core of his ideology, the notion of the "demonic all-powerful Jew" is much easier to debunk, deconstruct, and discredit. We have done much of that here at this site.

But for groups like the ADL and SPLC to do this, would involve them getting their hands dirty and their knees scuffed, deep in the jungles and trenches of the meme war; instead of just dropping deplatforming bombs from 30,000 feet. They would have to know their stuff, and be able to defuse persistent memes believed in with an almost religious fervour. They simply don't have the guts for that. This, in a nutshell, is why they are losing the deradicalization wars.

Another reason is that they don't even recognize that there is a problem. Even though the Alt-Right's analysis is shit and simplistic, they at least recognize that there is an existential problem of advanced Western societies losing core population and gradually becoming extinct.

They spin this as "The Great Replacement" and say it is because of the Jews, who are apparently doing it because they want to live in something resembling Somalia rather than Sweden or Switzerland. Yes, more crap Alt-Right analysis, but the mainstream simply denies that rapid demographic change is or even should be an issue. The fact is that for any sane person it is an issue and should be one.

Until the deradicalizers recognize that and talk about it, they will always be outgunned by the Alt-Right and their dangerous ideas in the heads of people like Gendron. In fact they will probably be massacred.

Effortless meme keeping the radicalization drive on schedule


Colin Liddell is the Editor of Affirmative Right and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). He is also featured in Arktos's 2016 collection A Fair Hearing: The Alt-Right in the Words of Its Members and Leaders


  1. It is true, that the role of Jews in the Great Replacement is vastly overblown in the Right. This is a harmful and lazy attitude. In Europe, the Identitarian Movement made a clear break with the antisemitism of the Old Right (from which it was partly born).

    This was an authentic move (not for optics) and succesfully enforced in the membership of the Identitarian Movement. The Movement still pretty much failed, even though it still has some life in it and may prove more successfull in the future.

    The reasons for the failure are manyfold. One was the then emerging online right-wing subculture. Edgy, extremist takes routinely won in the discurs of this milieu. The real life activism of the Identitarian Movement seemed cucked and tame in this context, because words are cheaper than actions. That killed a lot the appeal the Identitarians had on the European Youth.

    It is what it is. I don't think these internet milieus are going away anytime soon. Maybe they become stale and loose their edgyness appeal. It is a very strange phenomen to me. People are preferring to circlejerk themselves into blackpilled despair instead of starting to organize in real life.

    1. This is probably the best comment we've ever got.

  2. "In fact, I would say it has a clearer logic than Johnson's "do nothing" attitude. Indeed, if I were convinced that a "demonic" group was really behind the demographic decline of the West and the coming extinction of my people, I would find Gendron's actions entirely understandable and even laudable."

    Well, maybe if he had shot up the local ADL office or it's equivalent.

    But, as it happens, I do NOT believe that the Jews are behind most of the evils in the World, or even a great many of them."

    "But, as it happens, I do NOT believe that the Jews are behind most of the evils in the World, or even a great many of them."

    It's not a question of believing so much as it is one of turning on the lights and opening one's eyes. Maybe you can name a significant "evil" being experienced in the West that you don't believe Jews and Jewish organizations are primarily behind. Take your time, I'll wait.

    1. Well, why don't you get the party started by telling me something evil that the Jews are primarily behind. Take your time to check that you are not just unthinkingly regurgitating crappy memes that have hacked your brain. I'll wait.

    2. Gee, such a softball pitch, I thought it might be a trick question.

      For starters, as you impel, how about central banking and usury, rank political corruption, endless fratricidal wars among White peoples, propagandistic media control, culture debasing popular media, pornography, homosexuality, biological gender abiguity, promotion of pedophilia, modern art, modern architecture, debased education, excessive gambling, popular drug use and opioid addiction, advertising of miscegenation, feminism, multiculturalism, unrestrained illegal and third world immigration...
      I'll stop there for now.
      Do get back .

    3. Typical bullshit Alt-Right argumentation style - throwing up a dust cloud of unsupported allegations by mentioning practically everything in the universe. Dude, just pick one, and then maybe we can see if you can back up even one plank of your shitty platform.

  3. First off, I'm not Alt-Right, I don't even know what that is specifically.
    As far as my "dust cloud of unsupported allegations" it was by intention a listing for your consideration.
    You might recall that I asked you for a single significant evil affecting the West that you didn't believe Jews or Jewish organizations were primarily behind. I was just trying to help you with that list of evils to consider.
    I don't have a platform, shitty or otherwise, but I do observe World events as they are and it's obvious to any but a shill or an ignoramus that Jews are actively working to destroy White Nations, culture, and biology.
    But ok, I'll humor you..
    Is the rampant dissemination of degenerate pornography an evil to White cultures? I assume you agree that yes it is? Just do an internet search for the back up you deceptively desire.
    I'll wait.

    1. Look, MPO, there's no way you would cite something like porn unless you were a frequent user. So basically you're blaming the Jews for you personally jacking off every day into a sock. That's a bit shitty of you.

      Sure, there may be plenty of Jews working in porn (even if you don't have references and stats), but, guess what, places like Japan have massive porn industries too, entirely without the help of Jews, so the problem, if it is one, is just one of modern liberal societies allowing people the freedom to jack off to porn plus of course the internet.

      Freedom, btw is almost entirely an Anglo "gift" to the World, while the internet the main disseminator of porn is pretty Goyish too in its inception, although of course it's used for other things besides you jerking off into a sock.

  4. Look, don't make too many ad hominem assumptions about me ok?
    Again, you keep putting the burden of proof on me. I don't have time for the endless references and stats you keep requesting in a broad sense.
    Let's take it it one step at a time.
    You give me one significant evil affecting the West that isn't being led by Jews and Jewish organizations and I'll respond in kind with the requisite data.
    I'll wait.

    1. "You give me one significant evil affecting the West that isn't being led by Jews and Jewish organizations"

      Let's stick with porn, as you seem such an expert on it. Porn is happening explicitly because of a decline in Jewish influence. The whole anti-fapping morality of the West was based on Jewish influence. It's called the Torah, sorry Bible.

      There, did I derail your plans to shoot up a Synagogue and drop a manifesto?

    2. I'm continuing to comment in the hope that someone else will see the interchange, think, and maybe chime in. I'm losing confidence in that hope frankly as apparently there's no one else here.
      I'll assume you're not a Fed operative, but we don't need language referencing violent acts do we? That's just sloppy, ignorant, or maybe intentional.
      I'm no expert on pornography, but I know a destructive cultural influence when I see one. The pornography industry including actors, production, distribution, and mainstream popularization, is overwhelming manifested by Jews and Jewish led media companies. That's just a fact. After you calm down, Google it.
      Fapping is the least of our worries in regards to porn.
      It's not clear to me that you're a very serious person.
      Prove me wrong.
      Enjoy the holiday weekend.

    3. Still not seeing any reliable stats on how many Jews are in porn. Sure, I know they're probably overrepresented, at least in America, but I suspect that their overrepresentation is greatly exaggerated, so do some hard homework that can convince a neutral person instead of the Jew-obsessed echo chambers you seem to inhabit. But, assuming you're right, blaming Jews for porn is still stupid. A bit like blaming Blacks for White people liking basketball or Italians for selling ice cream. Pornographers whether Jewish or otherwise are just giving the "goys" what they want. The problem, as I stated before, is a decline in Christianity, which, guess what, is largely a Jewish product.

      The crack about the synagogue is not Fed, it's just the logical outcome of people like you believing that the Jews are demonic beasties. Really, that's the logical endpoint of your moronic beliefs, unless you're just a chickenshit, which I guess you are, or some kind of shill trying to pollute sensible nationalism with your Nazi schtick.

      Anyway, that ends this debate, as far as I'm concerned.


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