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Friday 9 May 2014


by Scott Terry

Dear alt-right friends, there’s never been a better time to be a Christian.

Yes, it’s true, my friends Matt Parrott and Matthew Heimbach of are walking around with Orthodox boot prints on their bottoms, but that’s nothing in the scheme of things.  And it’s the scheme of things I want to briefly address. (The Matts are now apparently under threat of excommunication from their bishop due to their allegedly "heretical" activism on behalf of the white nationalist cause.)

The secularists and pagans in our movement (if movement we be), are clamoring about the downfall of the church as a viable institution. Indeed – with the expulsion of my friends in Indiana, the Orthodox Church, which many thought was the last bastion of organized religious resistance, has apparently joined the “Cathedral”. [1] Critiques of Christianity are coming from all sides, and the general trend in far-right circles is to pronounce it dead-on-arrival.[2] Sold out! Done! Given up to the rabid egalitarians who cast lots for the torn fragments of Christendom! If that doesn’t make you want beat a Marxist with a wooden cross, I don’t know what will…

Of course, none of this is new to racially self-conscious and traditionally-minded Christians.  There’s no critique of our institution (in all its manifestations) pagans can offer that we haven’t already spied out and judy-chopped with a vengeance.

But they’re not any better off.  No one is. All Western institutions have come under the “dark wing” of modernity. Consider Lewis:

The poison was brewed in these West lands but it has spat itself everywhere by now.  However far you went you would find the machines, the crowded cities, the empty thrones, the false writings, the barren beds; men maddened with false promises and soured with true miseries, worshipping the iron works of their own hands, cut off from Earth their mother and from the Father in heaven. You might go East so far that East became West and you returned to Britain across the great Ocean, but even so you would not have come out anywhere into the light. The shadow of one dark wing is over all Tellus…That Hideous Strength holds all this Earth in its fist to squeeze as it wishes.[3]

The Dark Wing covers all!  We’re all pagans now!  We’ve all been relegated to the country-side, to practice our beliefs in secrecy.  We’re all obligated to keep our heads down and operate under a pretense in polite society.  We don’t want to lose our jobs or social standing.  And God help anyone who utters a harmless n-word joke.  Egalitarians get more excited at the “n-word” than Bryan Singer at a One Direction concert.

Still, despite all this, there’s never been a better time to be a Christian; I’ll tell you why:

God is sovereign, that’s why. All this is in His plan. You don’t have to be a postmillennialist like we Kinists to believe that God is working all things for the benefit of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.[4] Anyone can choose to believe it.

There will be a myriad of you piping up and noting how ridiculously naïve this is.  Some of you are besotted with cyclical views of history and can’t possibly believe in divine sovereignty – others may concede that it’s logically reasonable, but emotionally reprehensible; whatever the case, those of us who believe God has the world in His hands are on an emotional high right now.

I suspect all of you are Calvinists during your morning commute. I’m never more aware of God’s sovereignty than when I’m stuck behind an old lady in traffic…or when all the lights in an entire town coordinate to keep me from getting through in a timely fashion. I know you’ve all had similar experiences. When a unique team of pot-hole, ill-timed traffic light, old-lady driver, and pigeon-who-ate-purple-berries-for-breakfast, conspire against you at the worst possible moment – to whom do you direct your ire if not the God who orchestrated all of it for His own sense of pleasure?

I say we believers in sovereignty are on an emotional high because, in the scheme of things, it seems like the church is a rushed morning commuter, frustrated by God for His own purposes; with all her rotten spots, she’s clearly being chastised.  And this is so inspiring because we know God disciplines those whom He loves.[5]

And just to reiterate: I really do believe in a victorious church. Consider Christ’s words to Peter in Matthew 16: “...on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it!” Please note that whatever might be said of this verse, it does not mean that Hell-spawn will attack the gates of Christendom, only to be repulsed by an unyielding gate.

To the contrary – Christ here paints a picture of a church on the attack!  The church is pounding against the gates of Hell! And those gates will not prevail! They cannot withstand the onslaught of brave, single-minded Christian warriors (whether metaphorical or the real kind).  In light of this, it’s terribly sad that the modern church has laid down her battering ram and retreated from the fray.

But the white boys who take up their wooden crosses and confront armies of screeching devil-harpies will find their efforts all the more effective (as we’ve seen with Heimbach who, with just a little effort, has made international news, altered the American narrative, and even managed to halt an army of four hundred Marxists, dead in its tracks). It’s almost like the old “Highlander” TV show – the more Christians who drop out of the fight, the stronger the remaining get.

If you’re naïve enough to have a little faith, then believe that God is ready and waiting to bless any of His remnant willing to take up pen, plough, sword, and bring the “hurt” to the gates of Hell.

This sort of power is oddly comforting. Makes a fella feel “cool” when, otherwise, he’d only be a loser at the kid-table of modernity. This relaxed, almost apathetic demeanor, gives the sincere believer in God’s sovereignty an edge. Gives him a calm head when dealing with the miseries of life; one might almost say, it’s exhilarating...

In light of this, and in light of how many times similar controversies have happened to Kinists in the Presbyterian community, I’ll venture a prediction.  Here’s what will happen to the Matts:

They’ll eventually convince the Orthodox community that they’re in the right and hold no heretical views.  They may still lose their communion, but even if they do, the controversy will arise in the church via some other avenue.  Their case will be re-examined.  Those with no emotional attachment to the present situation will look back and see the grace with which the Matts are handling their ordeal, and will be convinced that they were in the right.  A larger faction will rise up.  With the aid of the internet, which has loosed the Cathedral’s grasp on the flow of information, these controversial ideals will spread.  

Truth, not trappings, will become the measure of belief acceptability, and eventually – we’ll experience a traditionalist revolution unlike anything any of us can currently imagine.  The gates of hell will burst under the pressure…
…damn, it feels good to be a Christian.

[1] For the uninitiated: the “Cathedral” is a term coined by the Dark Enlightenment guys to describe the general Weltanschauung of the new Western ruling elite.  For a great introduction to the “Cathedral” from an alternative right perspective, see Nowicki, Liddell, and Parrot’s podcast.   Also check out Brett Stevens’ article on the redundancy of the Dark Enlightenment.

[2] One need only search a few relevant comment sections to see this trend exemplified among participants with a wide array of backgrounds.  Also, see Gregory Hood’s typically insightful article, “Why Christianity Can’t Save Us”.

[3] Page 290 of the Schribner edition.

[4] See Romans 8:28. Also, if you don’t happen to be a theology nerd, a “Postmillennialist” is one of three major categories of eschatology, or: the study of end-times.  The categories are defined by their stance on the much-discussed Millennial Kingdom in Revelation 20 and God’s second-coming in relation to it.

If you think God will return prior to the establishment of the Millennial Kingdom, you’re a premillennialist.  If you think God works through the actions of His people to bring about the millennial kingdom, and that history consists of a battle between God’s agents and the Devil’s agents, with no side really gaining an upper hand until the final judgment, you’re an amillennialist.  If you believe, as most Kinists do, that God will use His people to gradually and victoriously bring about the Kingdom over the course of thousands of years, you’re a postmillennialist (i.e.: the final judgment will be after the millennial kingdom has been established).

Keep in mind that I’m only offering a general overview here – I don’t intend it to be exhaustive.  If I left out something you feel should have been included, please rail about it in the comments.

[5] See Hebrews 12. 

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