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Friday 9 March 2018


Andrew Fountaine
Ostara Publications
114 pages

Reviewed by John Bean

This 114-page book is an outstanding study by Andrew Fountaine of the causes of Britain and Europe's decline. It was originally serialized in Combat, the newspaper of the original British National Party, of which Fountaine was the President, from 1960 to 1965.

The original articles were 'rediscovered' by Bill Baillie of the Nation Revisited website and myself. We soon appreciated that what lay before us was an explanation, which was both historical yet prescient, of the greatest tragedy to beset Europe: The destruction of its spiritual unity that existed for over a thousand years, and its replacement by carefully nurtured enmities between the leading European nations, specifically between Britain and Germany.

Fountaine traces the decline of European power and the rise of liberalism from the fall of Rome to Rhodesia's brave but ultimately unsuccessful attempt to preserve itself under Ian Smith. (There is also an Appendix in the book by the publishers which deals with the betrayal of Rhodesia.)

The career of Winston Churchill is detailed; from his dishonourable conduct as a war correspondent in the Anglo-South African War, his mishandling of the Dardanelles offensive in WW1, his craven acceptance of American terms at the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922, his fanatical campaign for war with Germany in the 1930s, his disastrous invasion of Norway in 1940, and his obsession with area bombing that led to the destruction of Dresden in 1945.

Andrew Fountaine also examines the influence of the Freemasons and international Jewry who were prominent in the French and Russian Revolutions. But he puts most of the blame on the spirit of surrender that grips Western man. He compares it to the Aztec myths that led to their conquest by Hernando Cortez. The Emperor Montezuma was so convinced that the end of his empire was preordained that he was psychologically beaten before the final battle began. He argues that liberal democracy is similarly infected with submissiveness and calls for its total rejection.

His belief in European world hegemony may seem shocking to modern readers but Andrew Fountaine was born in the reign of George V and brought up to cherish Western values. He fought for General Franco in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) and refused to compromise with communism. He opposed the multiracial agenda and predicted the non-European invasion that we are now suffering. But for all that he was not a racial bigot. He drove ambulances for the Ethiopians during the Second Italo-Abyssinian War of 1935-36. And he became a Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy during WW2 and was the gunnery officer on the aircraft carrier HMS Indefatigable. He was wounded in a kamikaze attack by the Japanese in April 1945.

He believed in leadership:
"Race accounts for much, for strong race often produces great leadership. Yet it is not all. The leadership is all, though it varies according to national and racial character." 
Andrew Fountain's worldview will inevitably be compared to Oswald Spengler but he was influenced by the more optimistic Francis Parker Yockey who saw hope for the future amongst the ruins of Europe after WW2.

Readers will note that some words used by the author are no longer in common usage. A good example is his use of ‘coloured,’ which was an acceptable description of 'black' or 'Afro-Asian' people fifty years ago.

1 comment:

  1. "Fountaine traces the decline of European power and the rise of liberalism from the fall of Rome to Rhodesia'.."

    Yes, what we witness today as "globalization" is the continuation of the liberal project of modernity which started in the 18th century but got trapped inside the borders of each national state because of nationalism. The goal is universal individualism and contractual-only (commercial-only) relations between generic individuals, i.e. no non-commercial (not chosen) community ties&bonds which would limit the individual, which would impose duties on him.

    But it is not the ideology of liberalism itself which is the cause. The ideology is just a rationalization of tendencies seen before in other societies (as the case of Ancient Rome, for instance). All societies which become powerful gradually evolve from communitarianism (which gave them the cohesion and the ethics of heroism and sacrifice needed to succeed) toward individualism (atomization and dissolution of social bonds) and the dominance of the egotisitc self-interest and the commercial-values (which leads to their downfall).

    They move from what Ferdinand Tonnies called "Gemeinschaft" type of society to "Gesellschaft". I

    It happens even without an explicit ideology, it happened as Rome shifted from Republic to an Empire, it happened to Europe as the bourgeoisie and its system of values (liberalism, capitalism) became dominant class in the 18th-19th century.


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