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Friday 23 March 2018


Affirmative Right Chief Editor Colin Liddell on why the latest omnibus spending bill represents the end of Trump's potential to lead a radical palingenesis ("rebirth") of American society.

Is it possible that Trump's true revolutionary potential may be to serve as a Gorbachev-style figure and trigger a "palinthanatos" of the American Empire?

A tape script of the podcast is available here.


  1. this empire does need to end...what if america were to get in a war with russia, and russia just destroys our affirmative action military....if russia sends a nuke into washington DC, what percentage of americans would secretly cheer?

  2. We're finally getting there. Good.

    Here's a brief outline of where we need to go

    1) GOP gets a bloody nose in November

    2) because of the movement's relentless promotion of splitting up the United States, 2020 becomes a de facto "in or out" referendum and we use county by county results as a template for Partition maps

    3) we pursue several peaceful, legal, respectful pathways to Partition (treaty between the US and our new government, Constitutional Convention, Constitutional amendment allowing secession, Supreme Court ruling allowing secession) using the campaign for those to build the skeletal structure of our new nation

    4) gain enough support via that campaign for a unilateral Declaration, or be the patient beneficiaries of a "collapse" or other breakdown in the system to trigger a Declaration

    5) catalyze a defensive "Northern Alliance" with as many white nations as we can, but particularly, Russia, Eastern Europe, England to offset the bloc being built by China; use soft power to stabilize the world rather than introduce chaos

    6) go to space

    If you don't talk about it, it won't happen - see also the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.

  3. Johnny McRacist24 March 2018 at 13:18

    What is needed is the establishment of a nationwide WN organization, well funded, that can field competent leadership who can lay the foundations of a future WN government and nation. But if we keep ending up with clown shows like the TWP, etc, we will never achieve this. And no, I don't mean a "Jared Taylor" or a "David Duke". Both are too nutty, the former having race-mixers and Jews as friends, the latter too old and an ex-felon besides.

  4. Yes, the US is finished and may crumble faster than we all think. And with it this dreadful capitalist-globalist world-system.

    Africa will then be going into mass starvation and Western Europe into Jugoslavia-type stuff with the EU going under in confusion and migrant induced anarchy.

    Meanwhile in the Middle East Erdogan might grab for the making of a sunni world-state and no doubt go for a "final solution" to the Israel question.

    The fall of the Soviet Union will look like a picnic compared to what is coming.


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