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Saturday 24 March 2018


London has installed a Muslim
mayor to oversee its transition
to third world hellhole status.
by Colin Liddell

What happens when one of the great cities of the World loses its mojo and starts to turn into a Third World hellhole?

London has passed another milestone on its descent into Third World barbarism. New crime figures show that the minority White city (if you count illegals) is now much more violent and dangerous than New York City, with much higher rates of rape, robbery, and violent assault.

London and New York have equivalent populations of around 8 million people, but you are six times more likely to be burgled in the British capital, one and a half times more likely to be a robbery victim, and three times more likely to be raped. You also have a high probability of having your face liquidized by an acid attack, as London can now claim to be the “acid attack capital of the World.”

New York still has a small lead in actual murders, but London is fast catching up.

Time to give someone a parking ticket.
Different theories have been offered as to why crime is skyrocketing in the city. President Trump connected it to Islamic terrorism, tweeting, “Just out report: ‘United Kingdom crime rises 13% annually amid spread of Radical Islamic terror.’ Not good, we must keep America safe! Others have said it is due to poor policing. New York and London both spend around £3 billion a year on policing, employ around 30,000 officers, and have lots of crime-prone racial minorities, but New York is clearly managing the situation better.

The most likely explanation is that New York has a tradition of tough policing, thanks to previous administrations, while London is a cucked, PC city with a female Prime Minister, a Muslim mayor, and a lesbian in charge of its police force. Plus they have a lot less guns. No wonder the criminal underclass feel empowered.

Also, while the NYPD used minor offences to harass, provoke, and arrest low IQ violent criminals with great success in the 1980s and 90s. London has taken the opposite approach, ignoring smaller crimes and instead focusing on high-profile, serious crimes.

This is because they can morally justify arresting or even shooting someone running around with a severed head, threatening to blow up a kindergarten, but feel it is “provocative” to crack down on hardened criminals for minor stuff, as this might lead to race riots. In 2011 large parts of the city were famously swept up in massive riots that included several large fires.

Also, there is the question of terrorism. It was revealed that around 23,000 jihadis are being monitored in the UK, a large proportion of them in London. Then there is the other side of the coin. Because of the jihadis and occasional terrorist outbreaks, police have to constantly redouble their efforts to ensure that the internet is a safe and loving environment devoid of any “Tweet crimes” or people posting “hurtful” memes.

In short, a toxic mix of multiculturalism and political correctness has made London practically unpoliceable, and there seems to be no easy way to climb out of this hole. London is set to spiral ever downwards, driving out more decent families, and becoming a Third World dumping ground, without a dominant culture and thus a moral code.

Expect to see terrorist attacks increase, riots break out, and general chaos ensue for years to come, while politicians suck their gums and mutter banal platitudes about respecting law and order before scuttling off to their bullet proof limos and high security offices.

Passing New York was easy. Next London has Mogadishu in its sites.

Apparently the worst aspect of crime in London is the possibility that criminals may actually be harmed.

Previously published at


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Affirmative Right and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here. He is also featured in Arktos's new collection A Fair Hearing: The Alt-Right in the Words of Its Members and Leaders.


  1. Any polity which disarms its citizens does not deserve to survive. Britain is getting what is properly coming to it. Unfoirtunately, a lot of decent British folk will be collateral damage.

    1. As I'm more and more coming to believe, both the UK and US will have to solve their dysfunctional societies by savage civil war. If and when it comes, we must not only be armed with weapons,but armed with long lists of those politicians that must be hunted down, tried, and executed.

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