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Monday, 19 March 2018


"Grooming" gang member

Britain seems to be having a real problem getting on top of its grooming gang problem.

It's too bad the problem isn't a metaphorical 11-year-old girl and the British government isn't a gang of rapey Muslims, because then they would certainly be able to get on top of the problem and fuck its brains out.

Yes, in case you missed it, that messy metaphor is a reference to the Telford grooming gang scandal, with Telford being the latest in a growing list of English towns, where gangs of Muslim men have been freely using the local underage female population as a sexual toilet.

It's quite clear that when people have a problem that they can't fix, it is simply because they are misunderstanding it. As long as they do that, the problem is sure to remain and get worse. This seems to be what is happening in England because the Establishment refuses to understand Islam as it is, while at the same time embracing it.

It is never a good idea to embrace something you don't understand, but the British Establishment does exactly this because of two main reasons:

FIRSTLY, running a developed Western economy requires a level of female participation and general deculturisation that pushes fertility rates south of 1.5 kids per women. This means a shrinking population that would inevitably collapse the debt-bloated economy, unless the demographics were generously topped up by Third Worldism, both imported and now indigenous, and inevitably containing a large proportion of Muslims. A frank and honest appraisal of Islam and how Muslims interact with Western societies would obviously force the system to re-consider what they still regard as the only solution to this problem. That is clearly something that they are unwilling to do, so more pain will have to be applied.

The SECOND reason is particularly tied to Britain's unique economic characteristics. Sadly, the UK economy is dominated by the spiv centre of the City of London, whose financial sophistication is a natural fit with the unsophisticated outflow of raw oil wealth from the Middle East, which is channelled through London, where British Royals and London whores make the decadent sheikhs of the Gulf States feel at home. Part of this welcome doormat, on which our moneyed Arab visitors wipe their shit-encrusted feet, is a complete tolerance of Islam and all its worse eccentricities.

Nothing to see here at all. Please move along.
So, as we see, the reasons for Britain's stupidity are potent, and exert an undue influence on the upper echelons of society.

When a Rotherham or a Telford is revealed—or alternatively when a "truck of peace" or jihadi suicide bomber makes the news—the script is to take Islam and any ethnic or religious background right out of the picture as fast as possible. Instead, we are told the individuals concerned were just that, mere individuals, who just happened to be very naughty people for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

Essentially, this is like trying to understand astrophysics without the principle of gravity, or electromagnetism without the concept of charged particles.

In short, the British Establishment has a serious Muslim problem, because it is trying to understand Muslim behaviour without thinking ill of Islam or the distorting effect of the vast inflow of oil cash into London's well-lubed portal.

When Muslim grooming gangs appear, the Islamic element is removed from the narrative and they are presented as mere non-denominational paedophile rings, usually with references to famous British paedophiles, like BBC DJ Jimmy Savile, who is working harder than ever for the British state despite being dead.

This is so convenient because the demented UK state and controlled media can then role out their classic line that these people are actually baaaaaaad Muslims (ROFL), followed up with the claim that if they were good Muslims, they simply wouldn't be doing this. Yes, I know, I guess they haven't heard about Mohammed's child bride Aisha either.

But Islam is not incidental in these grooming gang/ child rape cases. Even if you didn't know exactly how it worked, the pattern is unmistakable, thanks to the enormous diversity inflicted on the UK, which has "control group" populations of South Asians of different ethnicities and religions. Somehow the grooming gangs are always Muslim, never Sikhs, Hindu. or Gurkhas.

But what role does Islam play exactly?

That is a legitimate question and needs to be answered. An article published in the normally Left-leaning Independent, "As a Rotherham Grooming Gang Survivor, I Want People to Know About the Religious Extremism that Inspired my Abusers", points to some of the answers.

Written by a self-declared Rotherham grooming gang survivor, understandably writing under an alias, the article makes the case—and cites evidence—that Islam is inextricably linked to Britain's spate of paedophile rape gangs.

The writer makes the anti-White animus of Islam clear from the very start:

As a teenager, I was taken to various houses and flats above takeaways in the north of England, to be beaten, tortured and raped over 100 times. I was called a "white slag" and "white c***" as they beat me.

They made it clear that because I was a non-Muslim, and not a virgin, and because I didn’t dress "modestly," that they believed I deserved to be "punished." They said I had to "obey" or be beaten.

After mentioning various squabbles between anti-Islamic and pro-Islamic Whites, she returns to the essence of her case: namely that rape gangs are bound together by the same forces of Islamic radicalism that bind Jihadi terror groups.

Raping little English girls, it seems, is just a more "enjoyable" form of terrorist warfare carried out against the West—with the added bonus of much lighter prison sentences.

As someone who has experienced life inside a grooming gang, I can tell you with certainty that none of this is likely to make any difference to the behaviours of groomers. Like terrorists, they firmly believe that the crimes they carry out are justified by their religious beliefs.

If anything, rising anti-Muslim hate will probably make groomers stronger in their convictions, and drive ordinary young Muslim men towards fundamentalism, grooming gangs and terrorism.
The camaraderie, protection, money, and kudos that these groups offer, makes them a strong pull for anyone. Worryingly, several young men I have spoken to joke that being a gangster and going to jail are their "life goals."

The article links to a Channel 4 report that makes a clear distinction between actual paedophile rings and grooming gangs, citing official government definitions from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP):

In 2013, CEOP published a study looking at "contact sexual offending against children by non-related adults." They found that there are two types of group-based abuse.

"Type 1" group abuse involves targeting a victim, or victims, based on their vulnerability.

CEOP says: "The focus here appears to be on the sexual abuse of teenagers and young adults on the basis of their vulnerability, rather than as a result of a specific preferential sexual interest in children […]  CEOP assesses that type 1 offenders are unlikely to identify themselves as having a sexual interest in children, but molest children because they are vulnerable to sexual exploitation."

"Type 2" group abusers are defined as having "a longstanding sexual interest in children."

Type 2 groups operate in a way that’s often characterised as a paedophile "ring." In other words, these offenders are not simply targeting children because they are vulnerable, but because they are children.

The Type 2 gangs are overwhelmingly White and made up of people who are genuinely mentally sick. However, the Type 1 gangs, by contrast, attack their victims not because they are children but because they are weak. These gangs are overwhelmingly Muslim (or "Asian," to use the ridiculously absurd term the pro-Muslim Establishment decrees must be used).

This distinction between the two types might be lost on a lot of angry people—and, yes, both groups deserve no mercy—but what it shows is that sexually normative Muslim men are attracted to raping English children because they find them weak, vulnerable, and—most importantly—English!

Their act is thus an act of racial and religious aggression against what they see as a subject of conquest.
In effect they are at war with the UK and attacking it at its weakest point, namely the moral vacuity and social dysfunction rife in its Northern cities. This is the result of decades of socialist control, economic deprivation, welfarism, and feminism that have destroyed the conventional family and created an underclass of dysfunctional Whites, further rendered powerless against predatory non-Whites by Orwellian "anti-racist" privileging of Muslims.

The writer also refers to a conclusion by the Swedish government that rape is being used as weapon in a religious holy war by Muslims:

In November 2017, the Swedish government held a meeting where they stated that: "Sexual violence is being used as a tactic of terrorism”, and as such, it was recognised as a threat to Sweden’s national security....

Religious indoctrination is a big part of the process of getting young men involved in grooming gang crime. Religious ideas about purity, virginity, modesty and obedience are taken to the extreme until horrific abuse becomes the norm. It was taught to me as a concept of "othering."

"Muslim girls are good and pure because they dress modestly, covering down to their ankles and wrists, and covering their crotch area. They stay virgins until marriage. They are our girls.

"White girls and non-Muslim girls are bad because you dress like slags. You show the curves of your bodies (showing the gap between your thighs means you’re asking for it) and therefore you’re immoral. White girls sleep with hundreds of men. You are the other girls. You are worthless and you deserve to be gang-raped.

The synergy between moral signalling and sexual depravity has recently been driven home on the Alt-Right by the Matthew Heimbach case, our very own case of "White Sharia" gone wrong, with the ostensibly "strict" Orthodox Christian, Heimbach behaving like a complete degenerate POS while carrying a Christian cross in public.

The writer highlights something similar:

This hateful religious hypocrisy strikes people to their very core. But it’s far from unique. My main perpetrator quoted scriptures from the Quran to me as he beat me...

I experienced horrific, religiously sanctioned sexual violence and torture – so I definitely believe that we need to be aware of religious extremism as something potentially harmful, so that we can protect people from it.

The article, having made its point, then attempts to create artificial "moral equivalence" by tailing off into a denunciation of Tommy Robinson and Britain First.

A seasoned journalist like myself has no difficulty in spotting the heavy hand of a sub-editor at work here, and this is understandable, as the Independent, despite its diminishing sales and foreign ownership, is still clearly part of the Establishment. But what this article reveals is the confusion of the Establishment and a dawning sense that multiculturalism is a car crash rather than a picnic.

In the modern age, there is a tendency to focus only on the worst excesses of sexual depravity, like these cases of mass child rape. But the problem is much deeper and related to a general slide in moral values in the West.

Britain's greatness, dates from the 16th century, and was founded on the symbolic virginity of the English Queen and Nation, resisting the intrusion of the invading Catholic hordes. The climax of this was the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588.

This idea of an invulnerable and pure Island—Shakespeare's "sceptered isle"—was the basis for the Empire and the greatness that followed, a greatness that created the stupendous achievements of the modern world, with all their unfortunate consequences.

How apt that Britain's decline into obscurity, weakness, and humiliation, should be signalled by the very opposite phenomenon, the rape of its virgin children at the hands of an even worse invasive force. For any nation to thrive, it has to attend to the chastity of its women and the pride of its men. All else is an irrelevance.


Colin Liddell was the Chief Editor of Affirmative Right and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). 


  1. JewsSuckGroidsSuckSpicsSUCK19 March 2018 at 16:17

    It just never ends. All the time weekly its another few reports of 3rd world SHITSKINS raping more white girls. Why isn't it ever considered a hate crime DESPITE white women always being targeted by these FILTHY ANIMALS?

    I get sick to my stomach just thinking about the WEAK European governments and their refusal to protect the CHILDREN and WOMEN from these subhumans. The sad part is that this Grooming Scandal is just the tip of the iceberg and this shit is just rampant. All I can say is when they finally finish the Brexit negotiations with the EU, they better close the borders and NOT LET ONE DAMN Non White immigrant in. Enough is enough. Sadly, I think Theresa May is such a dumb cunt that she doesn't even truly understand why Brexit occurred -- so she will probably keep letting these savages in. GOD help us.
    And yeah I am disappointed to Heimbach act like that. Fucking makes the alt right look like shit. Heimbach is well spoken, passionate, fiery, great organizer .. and then he does that bullshit. Fuckin shoot me

    1. This kind of crude (((Stormerist))) language is a drawback in getting normies on board. Remember that.

    2. That’s quite a username!

  2. Yeah... Making it public is really the only thing one can do at this moment.
    What do I mean?

    Ok: the natural reaction to this is to begin a war of TOTAL AND ABSOLUTE ANNIHILATION OF ANYBODY EVEN REMOTELY INVOLVED IN THIS.
    This just as some kind of disclaimer what we´re talking about... what the stakes really are. So that we aren´t mistaken that we sit here and discuss some... yeah... structures...dynamics...aspects. Ok. This is total war.

    Now we live in reality. So what are our options?
    The jew has entangled us in a web. He has succeeded in... yeah, pretty much killing us. Maybe emphasis on "us": we don´t have an "us" anymore, thus "we" are dead. Where "we" are dead = interestingly: every individual comprised in the "we" is : dead. Lesson to learn: your group is dead = you´re dead.

    Why do I say it? Try to stand up as an individual: you´re dead.
    The jew has turned our institutions against us, the individual stands up aginst it = he´s dead.
    The jew has successfully killed us

    -> so what´s left to do? Back to above: publish it. Present it to the eyes of our remaining group: we can now decide: do we want to live, i.e. rise up. Or are we ready to go (into the night, that is).

    More cannot be done.

    Kudos to the operators of this site to perform this function to present the state of affairs to us, the remaining group, because the natural instinct is not to present material but to go on a killing spree.

    Therefore, the operators are doing, with bravery, the only thing that´s left to do

    (I might on a different note address questions of how it is that the behavior of females leads to total war between men... and that the mohs have some rules to deal with that phenomenon... and address a question of to what extent females actually are attracted to various sexual situations and what that means for the western view of sexuality... but it´s not the moment for that now).

  3. "When Muslim grooming gangs appear, the Islamic element is removed and they are presented as mere non-denominational paedophile rings, usually with reference to famous British paedophiles like BBC DJ Jimmy Savile, who is working harder than ever for the British state despite being dead."

    But if you can gin up the public libido with militant ethnocentrism you can get your TFR above replacement level. As risky as it is, putting the Jewish ethnostate in the ME was the smart thing to do. If it had been located in Madagascar or Patagonia the place would today be as depopulated of Jews as Birobidzhan.

  4. Excellent and insightful piece with a poignant gravitas—especially about the Virgin Queen and the naval supremacy of British sea power—is regrettably lost to many of the barbaric hoi polloi. Would that we could attract those readers! I daresay that much more of this grooming will have to occur before anything will be done to stop it, and then it may be rather too late! Kudos for the hilarious meme with Charles as Sheikh. The “African Queen” can reach out to her colored kinsmen on behalf of our distressed maidens! I doubt it. And trying to be witty about this profound ugliness leaves me feeling viscerally ill and spiritually disturbed.

  5. there is NO WAY OUT of our zionist enslavement that is peaceful..


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