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Sunday 1 September 2019


Tabloid headlines are the highest form of historical evidence, apparently.

Due to the obsessive grip that antisemitism exerts on weak and immature minds, most of the lies that exist in the Alt-Right seem to focus on matters relating to the Jews.

This is pretty odd, especially if you consider the fact that nothing reinforces disappearing Jewish identity better than the kind of ineffectual antisemitism that the present-day Alt-Right specialises in.

In a previous article, I pointed out how limited Jewish control of the Russian Revolution, the Soviet Union, and thus the Holodomor really was. In a supplementary article I then drew attention to the awkward fact—at least for the Alt-Right—that prominent Jews in the Communist Party actually opposed staging the Revolution, regarding it as too violent and risky. It was essentially the headstrong and impetuous "goy brigade" who were all for storming the Winter Palace and putting their fellow goys in the Tsarist regime to the sword.

In this article I want to look at another popular Alt-Right "meme" that is completely fake, namely the quite common idea that WWII was started by the Jews, and that Hitler was therefore just "defending" himself against aggression, and that any Jewish deaths that resulted can be laid at their own feet.

Really, to believe this requires a level of historical illiteracy or arcane solipsism that only morons or autistes are capable of. One such individual is clearly Jean-Francois Gariépy, who, in the post-Spencerian Alt-Right, is probably better thought of than even the likes of Mike Enoch, Greg Johnson, or Andrew Anglin.

While Enoch is tainted by his obvious Jewishness, Johnson by his fetishization, and Anglin by his low-brow trollish character (along with the obvious Jewishness of (((The Daily Stormer)))), Gariépy is seen as a "rigorous intellectual" with relatively little negative baggage.

This image is maintained by what appears to be his apparent dedication to "logic and facts," along with a funny French accent.

Don't underestimate the last point, as I've noticed that this especially impresses American alt-righters, who appear to have some sort of "cultural cringe" towards Europeans. As an example, I remember that my ex-associate Richard Spencer was also deeply "smitten" in a kind of school-girlish way by the Gallic charms of Roman Bernard, a once important figure in the Alt-Right, who has now mysteriously disappeared. For my part, whenever I hear such characters with their heavily nasal voices, I am put in mind of a certain comic skunk...

But back to Gariépy's rigorous erm... intellectualism.

In a recent YouTube video he decided to attack Stefan Molyneux of all people. This was done either to make pointless trouble or else to drive traffic to his own site. Molyneux is one of the rocks of the Dissident Right, who, unlike the retards of the Alt-Right, has a keen understanding of moral dynamics, and has created an informative and morally nuanced channel that pushes realistic and politically incorrect thinking to a vast audience.

Some of the criticisms that Gariépy directed at Molyneux had a point, and showed just how effective he can be as a critic. But then he suddenly went and ruined it all—and blew his credibility—by stepping on one of his real blind spots, namely the causes of WWII.

Now, most fake intellectuals can carry things off as long as they stay out of their obvious weak zones. This allows them to speak with assurance on topics, giving their audience a positive impression of their erudition and honesty. But once they stray into a blind spot, as happened here, then, it is almost as if they have stepped on a landmine or are suddenly shot through with an X-Ray-like beam that entirely reveals their inner workings.

This is what happened to Gariépy, who was revealed as little better than a wind-up anti-Semite, seeking to attribute everything bad to his chosen hate object, with reason and logic subordinated to mere tools in order to present this emotionally preconceived notion. Here is the point at which Gariépy's rationalist mask slip. In the original video it can be found at the 2:14:20 mark, but this has been deleted, so here is a back-up audio recording:

And here is a transcript of exactly what he says:

"Oh boy, we need to talk about World War II, Stefan. World War II was not an intra-white war. World War II was a proxy War involving the international Jewish community. World War II has been declared even before the beginning of World War II. International Jewry declared War against Germany. World War II has occurred because of the desire of Germany to form a society for itself, for its own people. And Jews declared the war. They said we don't want that, we won't let you. And this is very well documented. You can Google it. Those are facts, those are not conspiracy theories. Just Google 'international Jewry declares war on Germany.' So don't tell me about World War II as something Whites have done independent of the Jews. The Jews were extremely involved in the question surrounding World War II."

 I have long been aware of this retarded meme that the Jews started the war, as it is an extremely popular one in the increasingly reductionist Alt-Right, but I was actually quite shocked that someone like JF, who affects to be a rigorous intellectual, would push it.

The first point to make in opposition to this erroneous theory is that Jews simply did not have the apparatus to start wars independently until after WWII, when they were granted their own state with war-making powers.

The whole "truth" of this assertion therefore rests on the idea that the Jews somehow pushed other countries into starting a war with Hitler. This meme—because that is all it is—almost always comes with a picture of a front page of a British tabloid newspaper, The Daily Express, dated March 24th, 1933, which I will reproduce here again to save you the trouble of scrolling up to the top:

In fact, this appears to be the main evidence for this "story," although other quotes are also sometimes mentioned. So, what exactly does this "declaration of war" consist of? In the Express story, the "war" is essentially a few demonstrations and a call for a boycott of German goods:

"Judea Declares War on Germany! Jews of all the World Unite! Boycott of German Goods! Mass Demonstrations!"

"The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany. Fourteen million Jews stand together as one man, to declare war against Germany. The Jewish wholesaler will forsake his firm, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his commerce and the pauper his pitiful shed in order to join together in a holy war against Hitler's people."

 Similar calls were made elsewhere:

"Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike, who has not already enlisted in this sacred war should do so now and here. It is not sufficient that you should buy no goods made in Germany. You must refuse to deal with any merchant or shopkeeper who sells any German-made goods or who patronises German ships or shipping.... we will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence  depends." - Samuel Undermeyer, in a Radio Broadcast on WABC, New York, August 6, 1933. (Reported in the New York Times, August 7, 1933.)

 As you can see, these were mainly calls for an economic boycott rather than an actual war. But it is also not too difficult to find examples of Jews calling for a war against Germany:

"We Jews are going to bring a war on Germany." - David A. Brown, National Chairman, United Jewish Campaign, 1934 (quoted in "I Testify Against The Jews" by Robert Edward Edmondson, page 188 and "The Jewish War of Survival" by Arnold Leese, page 52).


"There is only one power which really counts. The power of political pressure. We Jews are the most powerful people on earth, because we have this power, and we know how to apply it." - Vladimir Jabotinsky, Jewish Daily Bulletin, July 27, 1935.

 Once war broke out, some Jews, not surprisingly, in my opinion, welcomed it:

"I wish to confirm in the most explicit manner, the declaration which I and my colleagues made during the last months, and especially in the last week: that the Jews "stand by Great Britain and will fight on the side of the democracies." Our urgent desire is to give effect to these declarations. We wish to do so in a way entirely consonant with the general scheme of British action, and therefore would place ourselves, in matters big and small, under the co-ordinating direction of His Majesty's Government. The Jewish Agency is ready to enter into immediate arrangements for utilizing Jewish manpower, technical ability, resources, etc." - Chaim Weizmann, Head of the Jewish Agency and later President of Israel, the Times, September 5, 1939, and the London Jewish Chronicle, September 8, 1939.

But the fact remains that none of this "declaring" is proof of the Jews declaring an actual war on Germany. In fact, it is simply proof of a desire not to do business with Nazi Germany and an enthusiasm for the war that was later caused by Germany's own actions and Hitler's own pointless declaration of war on the United States.

Also consider the timeline. The initial Jewish "declaration of war" was in 1933, when a widespread Jewish boycott was announced. But no fighting took place until over six years later.

Those who push this meme either want you to believe that this economic boycott made Germany so desperate that it viewed war favourably, or else that the political pressure exerted by Jews made the Allies so aggressive towards Germany that they then "pushed it" into war by being diplomatically aggressive.

Neither of these ideas is supported by any of the evidence. In fact the evidence supports completely opposite conclusions. The economic boycott by the "almighty Jews" was a complete failure. Here is Germany's pre-war trade stats:


As you can see, exports fell slightly 1933-1934, which might be the boycott or could be due to National Socialism boosting domestic consumption and investing in infrastructure. Even if it were due to the boycott, the trend from 1934 is rising exports. With imports it is a similar story.

So, were the Jews able to isolate Germany and reduce it to an international pariah? To answer that question, merely look at the above economic data and try to remember what the main global event of 1936 was and where it was held.

Hitler in 1936 watching some obscure sporting event called the Berlin Olympics, after Germany had been successfully "isolated" by the all-powerful Jews.
Well, if economic and political pressure failed to realise "Judea's war against Germany," how about media power? Maybe Jewish-owned periodicals and movie companies were able to whip up the masses into a frenzy of war fever.

Once again there is no evidence of this. Popular anti-war films made before 1933, like Wings (1927) and All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) continued to enjoy wide audiences, except in Germany where Nazi party members disrupted screenings and then banned such films on coming to power.

While a few Nazi baddies appeared here and there in Hollywood movies, there was no real propaganda push until the war actually got under way. Popular support for a war against Germany stayed in the cellar right up to the outbreak of hostilities.

The American public remained isolationist until President Roosevelt was able to "engineer" the attack on the US Pacific fleet by the Japanese, and even then it was Hitler who had to declare war on America! The French meanwhile were so unenthusiastic for war that they built the Maginot Line so they could avoid it. Even the often jingoistic British public had little relish for war, despite numerous provocations by Hitler.

Classic Nazi-bit-part actor Walter Slezak (right) got his first Nazi part in 1942's "Once Upon a Honeymoon." Despite Jewish animosity towards Nazi Germany, the public were simply not interested in Nazi bad guys until Hitler declared war on America. 

In every area of supposed Jewish influence—economic, political, media, and cultural—there is no evidence of the 1933 Jewish "Declaration of War" having pushed Europe into war in any measurable or meaningful way. By contrast, what demonstrably did push Europe into war were the actions of Adolf Hitler. Poland did not just jump up and insert itself under the jackboots and tank tracks of the German army. It was invaded, and this invasion was merely the latest in a long line of German provocations.

It is quite possible to argue that the Treaty of Versailles was unjust, and that Hitler was right to some degree in seeking to extricate Germany from it. But the speed and urgency with with which Hitler pushed his agenda and betrayed subsequent agreements, like the one painfully arrived at over Czechoslovakia in 1938, is a sufficient explanation for WWII.

The direct trigger of WWII was Hitler's invasion of Poland, combined with Britain's guarantee to Poland.

Those who wish to excuse Hitler usually say that this British guarantee to Poland was somehow an intrusive act aimed at Germany. It is also absurdly argued that this was just a cynical ploy because Britain subsequently failed to protect Polish sovereignty in the post-war period, when Britain was exhausted by six years of war.

This kind of convoluted self delusion is laughable. The British guarantee to Poland was not an act of aggression, but instead a cautious and conservative response to Hitler's long list of provocations that contravened the Treaty of Versailles and the subsequent agreements made to maintain peace. If anything, the British guarantee to Poland was an additional reason for Hitler not to invade Poland, not an excuse to attack it, as Alt-Right Hitler apologists like Gariépy believe.

By taking this step, Hitler was stupidly placing Germany in an extremely dangerous position between Western allies finally pushed into war and an aggressive Soviet Union, with no longer any buffer states to cushion Germany on the East. The German High Command were quite rightly deeply concerned about this at the time, as they had no plan for winning such a conflict. Their later success in France, which gave them some breathing space was the result of initiatives by relatively low-ranking commanders like Heinz Guderian.

Hitler's own reckless behaviour between 1935 and 1939—rearming, occupying the Rhineland, annexing Austria, taking the Sudetenland, annexing the rest of Czechoslovakia, and then attacking Poland, right after an explicit guarantee of protection from the UK—provided more than enough causation for WWII with or without Jewish animosity to Germany.

The fact that Gariépy would promote such a retarded Alt-Right narrative, suggests that he is emotionally heavily invested in hating the Jews personally (elsewhere in the video he mentions how Jews dominated his academic career).

Another very real possibility that should not be discounted is that he might just wish to appear to hate the Jews.

Given that the most virulently "Nazi-presenting" and anti-Semitic members of the Alt-Right have turned out to be Jews themselves, another possibility to keep in mind is that Gariépy may be Jewish, or partly Jewish, himself, rather than someone of Basque French-Canadian origin as he claims. His untruthful presentation of history is entirely consistent with this.

Originally published here in November 2018.

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