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Monday 24 May 2021


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Israeli hate bombs vs Palestinian love rockets

You may or may not have noticed it, but the World has a funny old way of working. 

For thousands of years Anti-Semitism had been a pretty established thing, then, along came the Nazis, and suddenly, just a few short years later, everybody was ready to cut the Jews plenty of slack. 

Yes, the Nazis' big achievement, and one they were certainly not happy about, was getting the world to -- kind of, sort of -- love the Jews. 

But it doesn't stop there. Israel, which was -- kind of, sort of -- founded on that upsurge of post-WII love and sympathy, and which was supposed to provide a happy homeland for any Jews that felt the need for it, is increasingly having something of an unintended side effect.

Here's CBN News (Christian Broadcasting News) reporting on recent developments:

Phone video of attacks against Jews in cities across the U.S. shared on social media shows how Palestinian supporters are bringing the war against Israel and against Jews to America's streets. 

Jews around the world know from experience that when Israel is attacked and fights back, they become even bigger targets for antisemitic violence. 

A Jewish man was savagely beaten in New York's Diamond District. Another in Times Square.  

In Los Angeles, a man is being held on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon after an antisemitic attack on Jewish diners. Ten cars full of Palestinian supporters rolled up and tried to attack them as they ate outside in Beverly Hills. 

Police are investigating the incident as a hate crime.

In Canada, a Jew was seen being chased in broad daylight.

 In Florida, a pro-Palestinian caravan displayed the words, "Hitler was right."

And in Hallandale Beach, Florida, a man yelled antisemitic remarks at a rabbi in front of a synagogue. He later returned so he could dump a bag of human feces in front of the building while shouting, "Jews should die!" 

Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center says, "The language of the caravans that are going through Jewish areas with antisemitic slogans saying 'we're going to rape your wives and children,' and things like that...there's a sense that it's open season and fair game against Jews." 
And this is just America!

If this is what is happening in the number one philosemitic country in the World, imagine how bad it must be elsewhere. In fact, it's getting to the point where a lot of people are even starting to re-evaluate that shitbag Adolf Hitler:

The Anti-Defamation League has documented antisemitism on multiple social media platforms, including 17,000 tweets that used variations of the phrase, "Hitler was right", and 193 antisemitic incidents in the week after the fighting in the Middle East began.

The fact that Hitler was almost everybody's enemy (check out his genocide of Russian POWs and his Hunger Plan to starve tens of millions of non-Jews to death) is now lost in the weirdly "woke" narrative of opposing the "colonialist," "apartheid" state of Israel.

I'm not going to get hung up on the details, but if you think there should be a Jewish state, then Palestine seems a pretty reasonable place to put it. It could have been put in a number of other places, of course, and in fact, Madagascar, Patagonia, Uganda, and some others were all once mentioned as possible locations at various times. But obviously Palestine was the best "compromise" to get the anti-statist religious Jews on board with the project.

Then, having placed the Jewish state in a difficult-to-defend bit of topography -- Palestine has historically served as a convenient corridor for various conquering armies -- the seizure of more and more land, such as the West Bank and the Golan Heights from the non-compliment neighbours, became more and more of a necessity. The result of all this is that if the Jews lose, they no longer exist there, but if they don't lose they just end up looking like the bad guy --
wherever they live.

A couple of years back in an article titled "
Winning On the Wrong Side of History," I explored this problem:

The conundrum that Israel faces is very simple. It is this: If you do colonialism and apartheid in the post-colonial and post-apartheid age, then people are going to notice. But alternatively, if you don't do colonialism and apartheid in a region where you are a tiny, hated minority then you are dead.

I then put it in a nutshell: 

In a world where Leftist values of "anti-racism" and narratives of "White privilege" dominate, Israel's realpolitik approach is going to run out of road pretty soon. 

Opening up that nutshell today, there's an even smaller nutshell inside. This is how I would put it now:

Israel, because of when it is and where it is, has to be what it is, and what this is, is effectively a giant machine generating hatred for Jews worldwide. 

If only the Hitler-loving, Jew-obsessed Alt-Right had been bigger and more powerful than it was allowed to become, there might still be some chance of generating a 'counter current' of love and sympathy to compete with the toxic Anti-Semitism that Israel's humble existence inadvertently pours out into the World. Maybe clamping down on Richard Spencer, Greg Johnson, Andrew Anglin, Mike Enoch et alia was the biggest mistake the ADL and SPLC ever made!

Republished at The Unz Review


Colin Liddell was the Chief Editor of Affirmative Right and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here.


  1. Hitler created Israel to make the world hate Jews. Sort of makes sense...

    1. Hitler didn't create Israel. He invaded Poland.

  2. The Third Position:

    1. Maybe, but looks like all you're promoting is Europeans not giving a fuck about each other.

  3. It's not a lot different compared to the USA really, which has also been its own worst enemy for public relations and must deal with the media scrutiny. Think of all the goodwill after 9/11 and then how it has soured since.

    I think any official around the world would be dabbing their foreheads like your image in relief that they don't need to deal with what Israel must deal with all the time though. Between a rock and a hard place.

  4. "the seizure of more and more land, such as the West Bank and the Golan Heights from the non-compliment neighbours, became more and more of a necessity."

    This part I don't understand. Why does keeping Syrian military installments out of the Golan Heights require bulldozing Arab neighborhoods in East Jerusalem?

    1. Dude. Nobody is bulldozing Arab neighborhoods. They evicted a few families... for not paying rent.
      The only neighborhoods getting bulldozed in the west bank are jewish ones.
      Getting a permit from the Israeli supreme court to demolish one Arab house (the house of a terrorist, for instance) is a nightmare.


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