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Monday 17 May 2021


1 comment:

  1. Interesting conversation!

    I would like to comment on a whole lot of things. I will go for two:

    1. America. Clearly the american elite does not care for the continuation of the historic american republic. Its many besetting problem just seem custom made and so the door to a planned collapse.

    2. The jewish question. Well, the jews just are a core group in Western civilization. Far from foreigners they are placed at its heart, socially, economically and politically. They are certainly not the only or the most important power group within, but they are certainly up there. In medieval Christendom the jews were no doubt rather marginal, but with the beginning of the modern era (1300-1400s) they begin their journey to the center of white/european civilization. What to do about it? Hate it? Love it? We must at least accept it to be so.


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