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Sunday 16 May 2021


Alt-Right logic.
by Utter Contempt 

Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that no Jews were slaughtered in gas chambers during WWII, and that far fewer than six million died in Nazi captivity. Even so: does any serious person believe that mass persecution of Jews did not take place under the Nazis? That loads of Jewish civilians were not massacred on the eastern front in perfect accordance with the clearest, most intrinsic worldview of Nazism? That the internment of (at the very least) millions of people, without respect of individual guilt or innocence, under conditions that a large proportion of them died from, was at all justifiable? Of course, no serious person believes any of this. And that is how you know that the “dissident right” is fundamentally unserious.

A disclaimer before I go on: when I say that the dissident right is unserious, I do not mean that they have no serious grievances, that they have no serious arguments, or that they have no serious impact. What I mean is that they’re intellectually dishonest. Okay?

Posted here below, for your consideration, are pictures of three activists who have risked career and reputation to expose the wholesale deception undergirding the international COVID biosecurity regime:

Can you guess what else these three have in common? I suppose you can. Now, posted here below for your consideration are pictures of three dissidents, each of whom has shilled for the biosecurity regime from its inception, and each of whom either continues to do so, or else now actively avoids the subject:

To be clear: I’m not saying you must love Jews, or that wignats are wrong about everything. Rather, I’m saying that people, and the world, are a great deal more complicated than these guys’ habitual narrative structure would have you believe.

I’m also saying that they’re shady. For example: what’s stopping GoDaddy from nuking TRS? I’m not saying this should happen—unlike the ADL (and TRS) I believe that people who disagree with me have the right to freedom of expression. Rather, I’m asking why it hasn’t happened, over the course of the worst eighteen months of censorship in the history of the internet. Could it have anything to do with TDS shilling the coof? With FTN repackaging Whitney Webb as the Protocols for safe diffusion down febrile alleyways? With the Paranormies shilling flat-earth lead paint chips while Dissident Mag reminds you not to pay attention to 5G “conspiracies”? (The last time I called them out for this, they went back and edited the article.)

This week, they’re pleasuring themselves with schadenfreude over the latest round of fighting in Israel. Today on Telegram, Woods, Striker, Enoch and other Nazi accounts (I use the term strictly for its aptness) are having a go at Milo over his characteristically manic noises in support of the Jews. I’ll be the last to defend Milo, but if the Jews are everything these Nazis say they are, one would think such low-hanging fruit could be disregarded.

genocide bad….                                                   ….except when

But of course the alt-right needs low-grade enemies like Milo. If they had to explain how Alex Berenson or Glenn Greenwald or any number of Jewish private citizens are furthering the aims of global oligarchy, they’d be out of business. Watch as Mike Peinovich hides the enemy-of-my-enemy principal behind universalism:

Does anyone who breathes through their nostrils believe this demagogue is given to humane consistency when it comes to justice for putative victims of colonialism? Nazis are the mirror image of every tendency, real or imagined, they deplore in the Jews. They have no principals higher than biological determinism, and might makes right. This, and not its supposed Jewish origin, is the source of alt-right unease with Christianity. No one who puts forward the hackneyed argument that Christianity begot liberalism seriously believes that the world in 2021 would not look very different if we were living in a Christian society.

Prior to WWII, there were a lot of assimilated and half-breed Jews in Europe who regarded Judaism and yiddishkeit as something senile and embarrassing, for many of the same reasons that I do. A lot of those people wound up in Israel after the war. Suffice it to say that the KMac hypothesis cannot possibly explain this.

Also published at Utter Contempt


  1. I don't keep up with the freakshow of nazitards and other weirdos. Good to know who is fully in bed with these people. Isn't it interesting how they all eventually seem to clump together and reveal themselves? Even when someone starts a new organization the old stink returns eventually as they are revealed. Same with that honeypot and self sabotage festival that is "Scandza Forum" and "Patriotic Alternative". Doing their best to poison the well of ideas and language or names once more so that any serious and sensible ideas are kept in a ghetto of their own making.

    These idiots could make enemies of the most eager allies or the most easygoing and neutral bystander.

  2. Even though I agree with some of these far-right figures, specially Keith Woods, it`s obviously blatant propaganda ( or ridiculously dissonant positions ). The framing of palestinians as victims is an attempt to subvert humanistic tendencies in your average normie to provoke antisemitism. It is not an attempt to be a "might makes right", optically pure movement. You support what is feasible and useful to you, again, pure propaganda.
    Now on the jewish question, the difficult thing about jews is that, framing their entire race as liars and subverters is another piece of propaganda, based on something that is far more frequent with them than most peoples. Everyone in their right mind knows every jew isn't a lying subersive parasite, but pretty much every jew in a powerful position is. The US government is an Israeli puppet, and thus, directly useful as a tool for antisemitic propaganda, which the far-right views as necessary, even though it gets cheap, overly-simplistic at times. Even the nazis themselves did not believe fervently except a few fanatical members, that every jew is evil and subversive, but for the sake of practicality and propaganda, it needs to be framed that way, the same way far left portrays every white man as evil incarnate


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